Hey Ada Gang!
So Bethany absolutely loved my submission!
Thank you for being SO encouraging and supportive in the comments.
I also realized that being outside significantly inspires me; all I’ve got to do is observe everything for a bit, and the ideas start pop-pop-popping up!
After that incident with the flasher (what is this, 1990??) I decided to write about and title my article, “Navigating Public Spaces While Female.”
While I wrote from my own cis-gender POV, the experiences of all women are unique, nuanced, and valid.
As I wrote, I reflected on how often I had to make decisions based on my gender, and how this subtle self-consciousness is instilled in us as little girls.
This same conditioning follows women into adulthood.
Enjoying myself at a bar?
I’ve got two ears on my friend hilariously recounting how her co-worker stole her lunch again, and how next week she’s lacing it with laxatives, BUT, my eyes are firmly on the bartender who’s mixing my drink, making sure that he slips nothing into it.
When I’m walking alone, I make sure I have my keys or some other hard/pointy object readily concealed in my hands, just in case I need to defend myself.
Men don’t necessarily have to think about all of those scenarios.
So you see, it’s little things like these that permeate the everyday lives of women. And the examples I gave are just the tiny tip of the iceberg…
I guess what I’m trying to say is, men, hold yourselves accountable. And support us, in everyday life, and in business. Speaking of business, support me by buying some cool merch from my store, Shop – Ada Avocado, (yes, shameless plug!)
So guys talk to each other about respecting women’s boundaries, and things like consent, and just being an overall decent human being.
We’ve all got to share this beautiful planet so let’s try not make living on it a miserable experience for anyone.
Sending you positivity as always.
Ada, out